Monday, August 31, 2009

Croatia was my favorite camp, the coaching quality was 10 the players were all 10s the amount I learned was a 9 it was a fun camp the best part is when I scored my first goal, the worst is when we lost.

UK Elite was a O.K. camp the coaching quality was a 8, the players were 5s amount learned was 4 and the fun was a 9 the best part was when we played games the worst part was writing.

Cortland was O.K. the coaching was a 7 the players were 8s the amount I learned was 6 the fun is a 5 the best part was when we played games the worst was the drills.

Joe Santacrose was a hard tornoment because the players were huge but we still won.

Colgate the coaching was a 9 the players were 8s the amount I learned was a 9 the fun was a 5 the best part was the heading tornoment the worst was the lectures.

TC camp the coaching was a 7 the players were 9s the amount I learned was a 7 the fun was a 9 the best part was the street soccer the worst was the soccer olimpisx.

bearcats the coaching was a 10 the players were 10s the amount I learned was a 9 the fun was a 5 the best part was the games the worst was the fitness.

Moravek the coaching was a 10 the players were 9s the amount I learned was a 9 the fun was a 7 the best part was the soccer tennis tornoment the worst was the homework.

Heck the coaching was a 7 the players was a 9 the amount I learned was a 8 the fun was a 10 the best part was the tornoment the worst was the worm ups.

ziggy the coaching was a 7 the players were 10s the amount I learned was a 8 the fun was a 9 the best part was the tornoment the worst was the drills.

IYB the coaching was a 3 the players were 2s the amount I learned was a 1 the fun was a 4 the best part was the last days game the worst was the worm up.

Street soccer the coaching was a 0 cuz we didn't get coached the players were 9s the amount I learned was a 7 the fun was a 9 the best part was when Dan was on my team the worst was when I had to play agenst him.

EAST MEADOW TORNOMENT it was a hard tornoment because the players were bigger and faster then us.

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